Riddie-Belk^^ написал(а):They've noticed me, they've noticed!! I'm glad)))
Why is it strange? I've asked you once, but you've disappeared, or better to say "went off". Than, I've asked you the second time, but the story has repeated T_T But I was still hoping that you'd read it eventually. So I guess you didn't.
oh, that's not my fault, sorry. and..I've also repeated many times. it frightens me T_T
I can't understand what I should exactly say.
Before I've never been able to look a person straight in the eye nor talk. But then someone important appeared, and I could feel that I'm not my usual self anymore. The one to be silent? No, there was my turn to shine, to let the world hear me. And I let it all go, I became a toy, but this person had never been a puppeteer.
I never claimed 'precious' as mine, even played a game like I'm not alone, I have somebody special behind my back. My 'precios' didn't seem to mind at all.
It was fall, when we met, I was so lost, so depressed, this person was my ray of light-that is how mu own story began.
Riddie-Belk^^ написал(а):I'm Ann, and I'm pleased to meet you))
I'm too )
in both cases